Monday, February 14, 2011

Be Mine?

Today is Valentine's Day - a tired, cheesy, commercial, over-blown 'celebration' of love...BUT... I'm thinking of all my friends around the world...especially those who are volunteering far from home and loved ones. I hope today, like all your days, is filled with all kinds of love.

"Love recognizes no barriers.
It jumps hurdles,
leaps fences,
penetrates walls
to arrive at its destination
full of hope."
- Maya Angelou


  1. Hey, I just cut and paste into my journal Maya's poem about love. I loved it! Thanks for enriching my day today, April 27th, with your Valentine's Day posting. See? Love is funny. It shows up and touches us off the intended schedule. : )

    "If you want to make God laugh, tell Her your plans."

  2. Oh, Tamara! I'm so glad to have made your day in such a surprising way! I wonder all the time if anyone out there is bothering to look at my's nice to know that you are! I've been dying to ask you...did you buy the trampoline?!?

  3. Hey, your note makes me wonder if you didn't get my email. I'm going to check and resend it right now. I replied to your hotmail account ... yes I have a trampoline! : )
